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Baltic - Gallery Visit

Today we all went on a trip to the Baltic in Gateshead to look at the exhibition that has been put on by Monica Bonvicini. Her work was very visually captivating, using many different materials to create her art work. She has many different themes running through her work, looking perticularly at body image and sex, predominantly bondage. Her structures would range between outstandingly large (the wall filled with thousands of cut outs of legs) to miniscule (the holes in the wall you have to look through with a built in magnifying glass). Her bondage pieces were thhe most onteresting to me, as looking at them, they are visually made up of leather and chains, what you would usually expect to see in bondage, but they seem to be made up into things that have little to no connection with the idea of bondage themselves. like the wrecking ball made up of leather belts. Maybe she is trying to show us that sex is like a wrecking ball; designed to ruin and break everything in its path. Her references to drugs and demolition as well suggest to me that she is trying to show us the bad effects of sex, and give people a better understanding that it isnt always what it seems.

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