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An Unexpected Monet in Space

Ive recently just finished this piece, inspired heavily by Monet's Waterlillies paintings. I started out with a plain black background on the canvas, painting watery acrylic colours over the background to create a very washed out pattern to paint the lillies over. I wanted to incorporate some splatters in the painting, just to give reference to one of the other painters I have been looking at: Jackson Pollock. I thought white would be the perfect contrasting colour to the dark washed out background. The next day I got started on painting the lillys, which have come from the painting I began to study at the beginning of the semester. Theyre ramdonly spread out, in no perticular order. I thought this piece of art was simple but I believe it shows how you an gather insperation and information from a certian artist and turn it into something totally new. I did not expect the painting to come out looking like an intergalactic space waterlilly painting, but I enjoyed creating it and im proud of the finished product.

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